Christmas time around here is
A LOT different than the Gray family is used snow, not even freezing cold weather?!
YES PLEASE! It has been raining a lot, which is something Trekker is not used to, but I am
LOVING this 65 degree weather! Tevin, Grandma and I have been busy decorating the house, it's been so fun!
Our neighborhood had a Breakfast (come in your jammies) with Santa on saturday morning for the kids. Tevin made a little bell to put on our tree, had some yummy chocolate milk and donuts and
BEST of all got to sit on Santa's lap! Tevin let Santa know he would like a play gun for Christmas, (which he already has a million of, lol). He really wanted to ask Santa for a "real" gun, but we explained Santa wouldn't be able to give him that beacause he is too little for a real gun! I can't help but think his
FBI Uncle Mike might have something to do with this obsession, lol! Hope your Holidays are filled with love, family, health, and the spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!